You learned about the important role of keywords in the previous post so let’s get to the main discussion of content optimization versus search engine optimization in this post. Obviously, none of us is that gullible. We know that every content has a specific cargo and agenda that comes with it. Be it to market the content itself (i.e. content marketing) or to get readers to take a specific action (i.e. copywriting), there’s always a motive behind every publication.

The quality of your content is the integrity of search engines toward their customers.

The question now: are search engines smart enough to find your content?


If you think they are, then all you need to do is pour energy solely on the content. Search engines have special software robots, called spiders. These spiders builds lists of words found on the Web by indexing content, crawling the text of the popular sites and then following each outbound link from those sites to find new words (click here to read more on Web crawling).

Also it’s worth noting that the search engine industry has been striving to create algorithms that mimic human behavior in searches. So this means search engines will continue to improve their algorithms to find the most relevant, credible, reliable, substantial content for what their users are searching. Guess what this also means – the quality of your content is the integrity of search engines toward their customers. That’s why as technology strives to be better in providing service to us, human beings, content matters!

So in this sense, content optimization refers to the optimization of your content’s quality. Of course, the yardstick of this quality corresponds to what kind of content you publish. For instance, if you’re writing reviews on the best laptops 2011 then don’t just write one paragraph of content without detailing the specs, the goods and the bads, and so forth. Write to the extent of your readers having enough information (e.g. use relevant, specific information) to decide whether they want that cargo that you’re writing about or not.

Please hold that thought! In the next post, I’ll continue with my notes on search engine optimization (SEO) and how it’s related with content optimization.